by John | Jun 13, 2021 | Backyard Toys, Dad & Teens, Videos
hi it’s Cory from country family okay soI learn how to make this batting teamit’s really easy it’s just a couplepieces of pipe this is rubber table legcover a plumbing fitting they use toconnect to garbage disposalthen it’s just screwed into a...
by John | Jun 13, 2021 | Backyard Toys, Videos
[Music]when the weather is warm enough outsidekeep the digital device off kids andstart to make the backyard moreentertaining playing outdoors withfriends is crucial for kids it’llimprove physical development help themdevelop social skills and increaseattention...
by John | Aug 31, 2020 | Dad & Teens, Projects, Summer, Videos
Going big with the backyard water slide One of the biggest advantages of a DIY homemade backyard water slide is the potential to do something big and amazing. While you might not have the right conditions to go as long as some of the slides in the videos below. Don’t...