Let’s learn how to build a mini skateboard ramp and we’re gonna be building one that’s 4 feet high and 12 feet wide. Tools you need include a good hammer to start out with. All these tools can be found at Home Depot or Lowe’s an impact drill is going to be important for drilling the ramps together you’re also going to want to have a jigsaw for cutting the transitions also very important is to have a Skillsaw. You’re gonna cut a lot of two by fours.
so you definitely you’re gonna need one of these also very key is a tape measure you want to have a good assortment of drill bits this is a level you want to be on the level when you’re building so that’s really important what this is called is a chalk line and the chalk line is used so that when you put your two by fours in later in the building process you’ll be able to see where they are under the plywood it’s good to have a pretty heavy-duty pencil I got this one from team pain but you’re gonna be.
isn’t good this is a carpenter’s pencilnext up your actual wood supplies sowhether you’re building a 12-foot widewrap or twenty four foot wide man you’regenerally going to use plywood and twoby fours for your most standard wrapsour ramp we’re gonna build in an 8-footsection in a four foot section andcombine the two later so right herewe had to measure the length of the twoby fours along with the transitions soit’s really important that your 2×4 goesthrough the transition and the distance.
depending on the section that you’regonna build a lot of people they’ll usestring and a pencil and try to run itfrom one end to the other and come upwith a nice circumference but that’sactually not the best way to do it I’mgoing to introduce you to Curtis hereCurtis is getting ready to build atransition right nowand this particular ramp we’re into aseven foot transition so put one screwin the middle at 7 feet so this whole2x4 he’s gonna pin it at that point.
right in there until you start it out atthree and a half inches that’s theheight of the 2×4 that’s gonna be at thebottom mark it out get your pencil onthere just drag it along save yourself some money just flip it onto the other side and then you would trace over it so the next step in building your rent you’re going to want to mark the transitions the standard isusually every eight inches but sincewe’re doing this as a temporary rampwe’re gonna do it every foot so you’re.
want to make sure the DS are level whenyou’re gonna put this in but this isflush with this anytime you’re gonna put in a 2 by 4 into plywood you want atleast two screwsmost people use three when they’rebuilding a ramp especially if it’s gonnabe more permanent so we’re gonna goahead and use three in this even thoughit’s temporary you always want to startwith your front and back so that therest of the two by fours fit in well nowthis is where the lines come in that we.
that we don’t have to measure it everysingle time we put in a new supportsince we’re going every foot instead ofevery eight inches it’s good to use twotwo by fours every other one so that wayyou have extra support all right sosince the ramp we’re building is 12 feetwide with building two sections oursection that we just worked on is eightfeet widethis section is four feet four plus 8 is12 so this is the flat bottom it’sreally a very basic bit of carpentry you.
out to a box so you’d have one two threeand then four in this ramp we’re gonnause eight feet of flat some ramps aresmaller flat if they are tighter itdepends how you like it if you like itwith a lot of flat like we do it givesyou more time for setting up so we’regonna have eight foot of flat on thisso when you start your flat bottomyou’re gonna start with a rectangle it’sgoing to be four feet long here inninety three inches here on your middle section your two by fours are going to.
different size two by fours than the outside and you want these two by fours to be every eight inches this is the coping this is the most essential part of the minivan this is a 24-foot piece of coping and I ran 12 feet wide so we’re gonna cut the coping in half and use one on each side of the round whenever you’re gonna cut coping you have to have a metal bit for your saw you can’t use the same one as the way they destroy the saw and a bit you always want to make sure also then your.
anything smaller than two inches it’s a really good size for your trucks to lock into for Smith bronze and silver all right so this is a deck the deck is justwhat you’re gonna stand on yeah and youcan mean some people through two feet Ilike four feet need some standing roomand it’s not they’re not exactly thesame as the flat bottom they’re a little smaller because they got to fit inbetween to the templates what you do isto make it ninety four ninety four and ahalf inches so it fits in between the.
the copingit’s gonna be four feet from the copingplywood will fit right on top put the studs every 16 inches be 3/4 inch plywood on it that’s it so there you gowe got the skeleton ready to go andwe’re going to continue to put the skinand other layers on at the next location all right so we got here to the spot andwe’re having the build on the slope sowe have to build a false floor first andthen once we’re done with that then wecan get started with the rack so it.
it should take about an hour to finishall right so right now we’re getting theother two transitions to connect it to the flat bottom and then we’ll be ableto start playing this rap it’s really important when you’re getting to thispart of building the mini lip or youconnect the transitions to the flatbottom that it’s all level so you wantto push it up you guys can push this upwhen you push it off then you’re gonna screw in right there from the transition to the flat bottom you do about four of.
these two black boards need a transition and flat bottom there’s a mind that’s aperfect guide for your plywood to matchup with and that’s when you start usingthe two inch screws for shooting everysheets gonna have in these four screws four screws on each rib going acrosswhen you put your transition first layer up to the flat bottom layer you canstand on it and you always want to work from the bottom up so that it doesn’tget Warped in the middle so you startwith your first 2×4 second to by 4/3 on.
rather than starting on the top andgoing down you want to basically have ascrew at least every foot on your plotsecond layer a lot of people try to getaway with using less wood but it’s goodto use a half inch sheet apply and then another half inch sheet apply and inyour third layer whether it’s Mason aideendorse or vamp armor or whatever it isbut it’s good to have three layers sothat you don’t break through yourself so you want to start on the flat bottom andthen work your way out our top piece.
put our center piece 24 inches on eitherside so on our second layer we use thesheet of plywood in the exact middle ofthe wrap you don’t want it to fall aseam over scene and so you could layerit seem over seam which a lot of peopledo but it’s not going to be a solid of aramp so if you change the structure ofthe plies so that they don’t go overeach other you’re gonna have a muchstronger round so this isn’t a platform we built yesterday we just slid it inmake sure it’s flush with your.
screws in there you want to make surethat it’s level as well so that yourplatform isn’t sitting at an angle andthen once you get it locked to thetransition you put a couple two by foursin and then screw those into the cornersso that it’s supported well when you goto put your screw in for the coping you want to have a drill bit usually aboutsix inchesso the reason you put a smaller screwthere that’s a 3/8 size bit it’s so thatthe screw head doesn’t go through as.
that you have to drill into the copingwe do one every three feet so we do fourholes that you actually are putting thescrews into the other four holes arecountersink so that the screw heads gothrough the coping all right so we’realmost finished with our second layerand then we’re gonna move on to ourthird layer which is the van farmergrand farmer is a composite materialthat’s super strong and also very smoothso it’s perfect it’s made for skateramps on this one I like to start at the.
because it’s easy for it to slide down but if it’s your third layer it’s usually gonna be all right so these guys are finishing up the deck you want three-quarter inch plywood you’re decking the wrap because you don’t want to fall through it you’re gonna have all you and your friends standing on it so it’s good to get real thick pilot even inch thick is fine for the deck because you’re not bending this is the finished product we got the wrap done and we ended up having it.
excited about it now the best part is we get to skate it all so check with your neighbors and make sure you have an epic party to celebrate with everyone